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I'm afraid this is appearing so blurry for me that I can't see what's going on. Is there a trick for getting it to display more clearly?

Hi, thanks for giving it a try.

Unfortunately I have no idea what could be causing that, it looks crisp for everyone who has tried it on my end...

Do you have issues with any other unity browser games or is it just this one?

Were you on desktop? Mobile? Very small screen? I'd be grateful for any info you could provide regarding your setup.

I'm on a laptop running Ubuntu MATE. It's admittedly pretty old (circa 2011), but other Unity browser games run fine. I get the same problem on both Firefox and Chromium (also regardless of whether or not it's fullscreen - the display is 1366x768).

If other people have been able to play it then I wouldn't worry too much - I mostly mentioned it in case it was one of those problems that creeps in the moment you export a game. The first HTML5 thing I put together wouldn't even run for reasons that weren't at all apparent when I previewed it in the editor.